Thursday, July 5, 2012

Rest in the Lord

As many of you know Maw Maw has been battling 2 types of cancer for 5 years now and the Lord has been so faithful to give her strength to endure. We are thankful for her doctors who have been instruments of God's her treatments that have healed her body numerous times. Even though on June 5 we received discouraging news that the recent treatment is not working we continue to trust in the Lord. His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are above ours and we know that all things are possible with Him so we continue to pray and trust that He knows what is best.

One of the benefits of being in a relationship with God is the fact that He is speaks to us and touches us in those dark moments of despair. On the morning of June 7 before Maw Maw went to the hospital for surgery (she had fluid around her heart that was impairing her breathing) she was in much pain and discomfort and as I helped her get ready to go she exhaled a prayer to the Lord "You have been so faithful Lord and I don't beg you often but I do now...please give us some REST and peace." As we walked to the car she stopped by her open Bible on the couch and read for a moment. After her and Joe left for the hospital I tried to get Lily to go back to bed for a little while. Of course she resisted but I tried to persuade her by saying "ok, you don't have to go to sleep but let's lay down and REST for a few minutes." She said, "Mommy, what is REST?" ....."Well, it's when you stop rushing and working and you relax, trusting that you are being cared for; you stop trying to take care of yourself and believe/know that God is holding you, providing for you and knows what is best." As I laid there I couldn't help but think of Maw Maw's prayer - she wanted rest. So after a very few minutes Lily was finished "resting" and she was ready to get up :) When we went back to the living room I sat down to read the passage of scripture that Maw Maw had stopped to read as she left for the hospital. It was opened to Psalm 37 and the heading said "REST in the Lord" Those are the moments that you can feel His tender touch. I realize He wants us to walk by faith and not by sight but there are times when He seems so near. As I read Psalm "Rest in the Lord; wait patiently for Him to act....Don't fret and worry - it only leads to harm" I was encouraged.

So, for the past month we have been resting in His faithfulness and enjoying our time together as a family. Staying with Maw Maw is such a blessing - waking up together and drinking our coffee and spending time in the Word; watching her and Lily sit together and read books, play on the IPad and love one another. I don't think anything puts a smile on Maw Maw's face more than watching Lily "entertain" - dancing, singing, playing with her kitchen set, tea party, being the teacher to her babies.

Life can be so busy and full of distractions that take us away from the things that really matter - time in the Word as we grow in our relationship with our Savior, time with our family & friends as we enjoy the moments and love one another, and above all RESTing in the Lord's faithfulness. As I've been looking through photos I'm overwhelmed by His blessings in my life. Over the next few days I'm going to add slideshows that are filled with things in which I'm thankful. Here's a "look back" -

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